CSS More Links
Smashing Link
CSS Generators is a great list of cool stuff.
CSS Animations
Motion and Meaning podcast on animation https://motionandmeaning.io/
Web Animation Weekly & Animation @ Work - Rachel Nabors - see the archive http://webanimationweekly.com/
Free hover effects: Hover CSS http://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/#effects
https://redstapler.co – great CSS tutorials
CSS Resources
https://www.cssmatic.com/ - borders , gradients , noise texture (as png) , box shadow
https://cssgenerator.org/ - box-shadow, text-shadow, cursor, border, border-radius, gradient, transform, rgba and HEX colours, columns, filter
https://9elements.github.io/fancy-border-radius/ - uses 8 percentage values to create blob shapes
http://ourownthing.co.uk/gradpad.html - Gradpad good gradient generator
https://bennettfeely.com/clippy/ - clippy - CSS clip path editor
http://www.animista.net - one of the better CSS animation generators
http://imagehover.io - hover over and image to get a sign. Lots of different animation effects.
https://kushagra.dev/lab/hint/ - Hint CSS is a set of custom tooltips
https://freefrontend.com/ - lots of stuff
https://leaverou.github.io/css3patterns/ - patterns gallery
Boilerplates etc.
https://tympanus.net/Development/InlineAnchorStyles/ - Great display of inspiring anchor styles
https://docs.staticsiteboilerplate.com/ - looks promising
Showcase sites
ui8.net - illustratons - cost
http://designshack.co.uk/index.php – not a gallery but great articles