CSS I Didn't Know
So I found an interesting and well compiled CSS cheatsheet and thought I’d go through it to see which properties I was not familiar with. Much of it was old, non standard and deprecated properties. But there were some that were still valid, if rarely used.
Property | What it does |
box-decoration-break |
If a box is split over several lines, such as a button, this determines how the borders, shadows etc. will look at the breatk. Can take values slice or clone . Boxes can also be split in column layouts so this affect them there too. |
:lang(language) |
Select an element based on it’s language as defined with the HTML lang attribute. |
:only-child |
If an element has only one child this will select it. MDN |
:only-of-type |
an element that has no siblings of the same type. MDN |
:enabled / :disabled . |
Form elements can be disabled by using the one word HTML attribute disabled . They can be selected using :disabled . MDN |
@color-profile |
Not used at present? See MDN |
target , target-name , target-position , target-new |
Not covered in MDN and not to be confused with the pseudo class :target |
direction |
Specifies the text direction: ltr (the default) or rtl |
unicode-bidi |
Works with direction and takes one value bidi-override |
text-overflow |
When text overflows it’s container, such as when using overflow: hidden , this specifies how the text ends. The default is clip but alternatives are ellipsis or it can be a custom string like 'read more' . |
transform-style |
MDN: sets whether children of an element are positioned in the 3D space or are flattened in the plane of the element. |
Linebox properties
These are used for SVGs.
Property | What it does |
accent-color |
Some form elements, like checkboxes, radio buttons, progress bars and range, have an accent colour and this can be used to set that. |
color-scheme |
Can take normal , dark , light and only . The latter is only supported by Safari at the time of writing. |
@namespace |
@namespace svg url('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); will set the svg format to be targeted in CSS. Once set you can use `svg |
rotate |
An alternative to transform: rotate() . This and the next two allow these properties to be used independently on one another, unlike when they’re all under `transform. |
scale |
An alternative to transform: scale() |
translate |
An alternative to transform: translate() |