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Home page

There are two sections: blog and articles. The idea is that the articles cover bigger topics like grid or flexbox and blog is more quick stuff I’ve recently learned and is less in depth or about something very specific. But there’s probably some overlap.

The site is built with Hugo static site generator and there might be the odd short post about something Hugo related.

The site currently has 81 pages and was last updated on 10 May 2024.

There are 45 blog posts at the moment.

Below is the list of articles. There is more in the blog section too which covers more specific CSS code rather than the general stuff in articles.

There is also the HTML section which despite the name is not about HTML but rather just some blank uncoded unformatted pages to try out experiments, especially if I want to try something that doesn’t fit on a regular page.

Below is a list of all the articles on the site. And here are the blog posts.
